Friday, November 7, 2008

Cultural Context Affects "Ways of Speaking"

There is a phrase in Pidgin English (Nigerian: Yoruba), that translates as "I am very glad to meet you."* This phrase, to me, sounds like poetry:

My mind sweet
Well wen a take
see yu.

It sounds like a song. The meaning (this phrase signifies a greeting) comes through with a unique flair. The cultural context of the language, here a translation for an American, English reading audience with an attention to alliteration and line, take it out of the context of everyday speech and give it the qualities of a different way of speaking. This "different way of speaking" is noted by socio-linguist Dell Hymes. It is a quality of oral poetry to be explored in this blog.

*101 Languages of the World © 2002, Transparent Language, Inc.

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